Monday, March 2, 2009

Yearbook--Get it now!!!

Yearbook students Leksi Rosenberg, Emma Graves, Sammie Schroeppel and Alli Udall sort student surveys. In the background, Aleks Newman, Kyle Gashler and Alyssa Payne work on the online yearbook creation program.

Robin Anderson
SJHS Staff Writer

It’s that time again! Students who want to get a yearbook need to get it now. The price for a yearbook is $20.00, and students need to take the money to Mrs. Murdock in the front office. Students should definitely get a yearbook. Looking through a yearbook is a fun way to remember the year.

“Some of us are too lazy to do scrapbooking, or don't have a camera, but the yearbook has a whole bunch of pictures from the year laid out for you!” said Kreslynn Knouse, a ninth grade student at SJHS.

The yearbook has other uses too. Ms. Rachel Neeley, the yearbook teacher at SJHS, says it is fun to have all your friends write notes to you at the end of the year in your yearbook.

The yearbook staff worked really hard to put together this year’s yearbook. They have tried hard to include as many students as possible in the yearbook. When asked about getting everyone in the yearbook, Aleks Newman, a member of the yearbook staff said, “It’s pretty hard. You have to take tons of pictures. Some people want to be in them, and some people don’t.”

Order your yearbook before we run out! Bring $20 to Mrs. Murdock in the front office as soon as possible!