Rylee Vest
SJHS Staff Writer
Springville Junior High is starting afterschool intramurals March 16th. Indoor Soccer! Anyone and everyone can come. The soccer games are going to be held after school in the boys’ gym. The games start at 2:45 pm and ends at 3:45 pm.
Parents, if your child needs to make up absences or earn extra credit in any of their gym classes, indoor soccer is the solution. Not everyone going has to be there for extra credit, most people just go for the fun of it. Indoor soccer is a good way for your child to have fun, boost their grade, and be active and social. When asked what is needed to play, Coach Michael Parker said, “We provide the indoor ball. A pair of good tennis shoes helps, and that’s it. Oh, and a good attitude!”
If you need any other information about what is going on with the soccer intramurals you can always contact the school; also if needed, you can talk to the teacher in charge of the intramurals, who is Mr. Michael Chipman. We are all very excited for indoor soccer and can’t wait to see your children there.