Monday, March 2, 2009

Excitement for the new sixth graders

Kaydie Kerby
SJHS Staff Writer

On March fourth through the sixth, sixth grade students from elementary schools will visit Springville Junior High School. When the junior high students are in class, the sixth graders will walk around and tour our school and learn the different types of things that go on. The student council members will be taken out of class to show the sixth graders around.

Student council will explain what’s going on and what fun things there are for the students to do around our school. During the visit, the sixth graders can begin to understand where to go and what to do.

Mytch Smith, a student council member at Springville Junior High, said, “With new students coming to our school it brings new opportunities and new kids to brighten up our school, and that brings success and chances to shine.” Hopefully, new students that come to our school should have a fun time to learn and understand things a little clearer. When the students come next year they will see familiar faces and not be so scared not knowing where to go, or what to do.

Mike Bartholomew another student council member at Springville Junior High gave some advice to the sixth graders, “Stand tall and just be yourself.”

In addition to the school tour, sixth grade students will hear musical numbers by the band and choir, eat lunch in the junior high cafeteria while junior high students are in class, and receive "How to Survive Seventh Grade" flyers from the current seventh grade students.