Monday, March 16, 2009

National Foreign Language Week

Jantzen Dalley
SJHS Staff Writer

The week of March 3rd was National Foreign Language Week. The Chinese and Spanish classes at SJHS worked hard throughout the week creating posters and decorating the halls. The other day, the Chinese class designated it “Chinese Day,” and all of the students in the class went through the day wearing “I speak Chinese how about you?” stickers, and teaching their friends a phrase of Chinese. Whenever someone learned a phrase of Chinese, they gave that person a Chinese buck (fake paper dollar bill) and the student could exchange it for a candy bar.

In Mr. Glen Beebe’s Spanish class, the students also prepared posters and decorated the halls. Some Spanish students sang a song in Spanish through the intercom.

When asked how Foreign language Week worked, Mr. Beebe replied, “it is just a week when we celebrate foreign language, and it also gives students an idea of what the classes are like, in case they want to take a foreign language class.”

“This is the first year we have done National Foreign Language Week,” Mr. Beebe said. “We were able to do it this year because there is now more than one foreign language teacher.”