Monday, March 2, 2009

New School, New Kid

Brittany Blackmon
SJHS Staff Writer

New students transfer to Springville Junior High School throughout each school year. According to eighth grade counselor Mrs. Monica Distefeano, when students are new to a school, they experience difficulties such as making new friends, finding their ways around the new school, and not being able to have a friend there to help them. It’s hard making new friends after having many friends in one place. It’s also hard not knowing where to go or who to talk to when having trouble, unless you meet someone friendly enough to help you around.

While students faced these difficulties, they’ve acted nervous and shy at first. They don’t know anyone, have some trouble getting used to the new surroundings, and have a little trouble socializing with unfamiliar faces. Some tend to just be really friendly and eager to make new friends without getting shy. Mrs. Distefano said, “Students are shy at first and a little bit nervous when they first come here.”

The way that students can handle these difficulties is with time and patience, and trying to getting out of their comfort zone and start socializing with others. Some students may not want to socialize, but others tend to start speaking up and ask questions when they needed help and make new friends by doing so.

Other ways that new students made friends are meeting with counselors to try to find a person within the same gender and age group to help show a new student around.

There are at least 20-30 new students that enter the junior high each year. That’s a lot of new kids to socialize with and befriend. If you are new to the school, do not feel like you are alone, but along the same ride with many others just like you.