Carolyn Brown
SJHS Staff Writer
“Wow!” is this year's Reflections theme. “Reflections” is a national contest of art, where students from kindergarten through twelfth grade can choose a medium and create a work of art. The media are literature, musical composition, photography, visual arts, choreography, film/video, theater, and three dimensional art. The PTA have the contest so that students have more opportunities to have fun doing art and have it recognized. The contest begins at a local level in October, then goes to a regional contest in December and January, and finally goes to the state contest in March.
The rules to the contest are very simple; students are put into four separate groups. The primary group is for kindergarten through second grade. The intermediate group is for third grade through fifth grade. The junior/middle group is for sixth grade through eighth grade. The senior group is ninth grade through twelfth grade.
The general rules are pretty basic, students must submit their entries only through a PTA or PTSA in good standing, all of the entries have to be the original works, students have to do it solo, no groups, and students should do their best.