Shelby Mason
SJHS Staff Writer
Pajamas day, Spirit day, Crazy day, Sports day, Halloween. Springville Junior High shows they stand against drugs with Red Ribbon Week. “Red Ribbon Week is a great way to show students a great natural high without ever touching drugs,” Mrs. Kathryn Crandall says. Mrs. Crandall is organizing Red Ribbon Week and is helped out by Mike Bartholomew, Ali Udall, Aldana Miloni and Nathan Bigham, a few Service Learning students.
Pajama Day was on Monday, October 27. This is a day where students to remind students that “drugs are a never-ending nightmare.”
“Drugs take away your spirit!” Spirit Day was on Tuesday. Students wore red and blue to show their school spirit. Students went outside during lunch and drew on the sidewalk with chalk to “chalk out against drugs.”
Crazy Day was on Wednesday. Crazy day was definitely the students’ favorite. Students wore their craziest clothes to school, and then went into the lunch room and “voiced out against drugs” by singing karaoke. Crazy day’s theme was “Don’t be crazy! Say no to drugs!”
Thursday was Sports Day. Students dressed up as their favorite sport and vowed to “stay fit and stay free.” For sports day students played flag a football game against the faculty after school.
Happy Halloween! Friday, October 31 was when everyone could dress up in their Halloween costumes and “said boo to drugs.” This was also one of the first times in years that students were allowed to wear Halloween costumes to school, they were all very excited.