Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kate Baxter is skilled!

Darryl Barnes
SJHS Staff Writer

Every so often a student named Kate Baxter grabs her pencil (and various other art tools), sits down at her desk, and creates art. She is an artist of great skill they say. Now we will see the methods of her greatness.

Kate Baxter is a 9th grade student who is an artist. “I’ve been drawing as long as I remember,” Kate explains. She really enjoys it and loves to draw. Kate uses a Japanese-style of drawing called Manga (pronounced Monga).

Kate gets inspiration from many sources, some of which include books, magazines, pictures, stories, and comics. She has found it enjoyable to read and write books and short stories. She has great talent in writing and drawing both.

The process in creating her drawings is usually the following: First, she will come up with the idea and visualize the drawing in her head. Second, she sketches the outline. Third, she sketches the inside. Fourth, Kate finalizes the drawing. Fifth, Kate decides what to do with the drawing (keep it or give it away).

Kate also loves to show off her ability to her friends. She likes to hear their opinion on her work. With their opinion in mind, she’ll make changes to benefit the drawing and make it look better.

With all of this in mind, many students feel that Kate Baxter is an outstanding artist! Many enjoy her work and envy her ability to manipulate a pencil and paper to make greatness. You ought to check out her art!