Friday, November 21, 2008
New VP Completes SJHS Admin Trio at SJHS
Ethan Trunnell
SJHS Staff Writer
SJHS just got a new administrator and professional teacher of teachers in… Mark Bake. He was invited to work with Darrel Rolfe and David Knudsen and jumped at the chance to work with experienced and the seasoned administrators and faculty. Working with all of the students and members of the faculty presented a great opportunity for him. He took the job.
Mr. Bake watches over students in the school with the last names A-K. He helps these people with counseling and other questions they have. Another part of his job though is to help the teachers improve their craft through collaboration. Every Wednesday the admin team (of which he is part) directs the teachers’ collaboration meetings. This is where the teachers meet and figure out good ways for the students to be taught, quizzed, and tested.
The biggest part of his job though is to help the students learn. He takes care of and helps to remove any behavior problems that get in the way of students learning.
Every teacher is a person too. They have lives away from school and every day they go home. Well, Mr. Bake has been going home to his wife, Rhonda Bake, for thirty-three years and counting. They have five children, three of which are married. They also have nine grandchildren, and five of them live in Springville. All five of Mr. Bake's children attended and graduated from Springville schools.
“Hobbies,” Mr. Bake says, “are a break from my daily demands.” Things like ATV’s, hiking, and carving take up much of Mr. Bakes’ free time. When he wants a quiet relaxing change, he’ll pick up a book and get settled. Or perhaps he'll find a soft reclining chair and a remote for some enjoyable sports TV on ESPN or Fox Sports Network.
We appreciate Mr. Bake and his efforts to make our school a better place, and we welcome him to our school with open arms. Welcome to our school Mr. Bake.