Friday, October 24, 2008

SJHS Flies into the Air

Shelby Mason
SJHS Staff Writer

At Springville Junior High School there is a tradition where the whole school goes out into the field and spells out a word in the grass. While the students are doing this a faculty member will go into a hot air balloon and takes a picture of all of us.

We have this tradition because “it is a lot of fun, and we hope all of the students realize that it is showing our commitment against drugs. We wanted to do something that would help them remember that we take a stand against drugs,” Mrs. Crandall explained.

We have been doing this tradition for the past ten years and this year the word “Pride” was spelled out. In past years we have done words like, “Unite,” “Live,” “SJHS,” and “Spirit.” We use words that show that Springville Junior High is a great school and takes a stand against drugs.

The hot air balloon that we used this year was owned by the Bank of American Fork and was operated by Erwin Oertle and Brian Kelly. Our vice principal, Mr. Knudsen, and Mrs. Crandall went up in the air balloon with them to take the picture.

Mr. Oertle explained that when you go up the winds will carry you depending on altitude. This year they traveled to the east and landed in the high school soccer field, where a few teachers and students helped to put the air balloon away.