Friday, October 10, 2008

Mrs. Anderson and One Amazing PE Program

Mrs. Anderson

by Jaqueline Fry
SJHS Staff Writer

Many of the students at SJHS say that Mrs. Kelly Anderson teaches a wonderful PE program, and helps people become and stay fit. “We all need to exercise to be cardiovascularly fit,” says the girls’ PE teacher, Kelly Anderson.

Sadly for half of the girls at SJHS, last year Kelly Anderson was out for a semester due to severe stenosis of the spine in the lower region of her back. Basically, she had to have an incision about ten inches long and a very complicated surgery in her back. This school year, she is back on her feet and recovered. “I LOVE being back,” Kelly Anderson said.

The girls that go to Mrs. Anderson’s class have opinions too. “She really makes PE really fun,” says Alondra Lopez, a ninth-grader at SJHS. Another student, Brooke Caswell, agrees. “I love her. She is so nice and so fun, and she’ll help you do anything.”

Mrs. Anderson has a husband named Alan. She also has three sons. Matt is on a mission; Tim is going to college at UVU; and John who is an eighth grader at SJHS. She has one daughter, Melanie, who is a sixth grader at Brookside. Mrs. Anderson also has a dog called Dolly, a cat called Mim, and a bird named Tanzie.

Mrs. Anderson’s favorite color is pink, because it is perky and fresh. She loves softball because she loves pitching and hitting. Her favorite food is cheesecake, because it’s deliciously rich. Her favorite movie is Finding Nemo because the dad and son never give up looking for each other. She hates raisins, loves Diet Coke, and loves to read.

Mrs. Anderson has been teaching for twenty six years. Twenty five of those years were taught at SJHS, and the other one was taught at Gunnison, Utah. She has taught PE, Health, and weight lifting, and she has a Masters Degree.

Clearly students at SJHS love her and think she is great. “We do a lot of fun activities to help us stay fit,” says Sarah Fawson, another SJHS student. You could agree that Mrs. Anderson is a wonderful addition to SJHS.