Friday, October 24, 2008

SJHS experiences the fun of Fall Break

Brooke Caswell
SJHS Staff Writer

It’s that time of year again! That’s right, this past week has been fall break for Nebo District. Have you ever wondered what teachers do during the fall break or if they just get a day off?

Fall break was held over October 16th and 17th. This means that students didn’t go back to school until October 20th. However, the students in Nebo District have Friday the 24th off as well.

During fall break, there are Utah Education Association meetings up in Salt Lake for the teachers. “The two days of fall break are not paid days for teachers, consequently, they are not required to attend those meetings in Salt Lake,” said Darrel Rolfe, principal of Springville Junior High.

“The most popular activity at Springville Junior High appears to be Disneyland. Everyone is going there,” explains Maddie Patten, student at SJHS. Students also went to movies and some even traveled to St. George, Utah for the break.

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful fall break and had fun on Friday!