Front row, left to right: Rylee Vest, Robin Anderson.
Second row: Nicole Drake, Emily Regan and Kayla Price.
Third row: Sariah Morris, Autumn Hathaway and Halley Rencher.
Fourth row: Madie Dockstader, Jantzen Dalley and Kresslyn Knouse.
Back row: Kaydie Kerby, Kara Dunn, Andrew Farr and Makaiah Williams.
Maddi Dayton
SJHS Staff Writer
As the semester comes to a close for the fall journalism students at SJHS, a new door is opening for seventeen other students. These new journalism students will have the opportunity that only 23 others have had this year. They are getting a chance of a life time. They will have the opportunity to try a type of writing that is not taught in standard English classes, they will learn to be journalists.
“I think it will be fun,” said a student in second semester’s class. According to current journalism students the word fun is an understatement. “Journalism is not only educational but enjoyable at the same time. You get to learn and do something enjoyable all at once,” Brooke Caswell, a first semester journalism student, said. Many of the first semester students agree with Brooke’s statement.
“I just hope they get as much out of this class as I have,” Sarah Fawson reported. Sarah’s hopes will not be in vain because many future students like Jantzen Dalley, plan on learning “everything.” Others, like Autumn Hathaway, hope to find their “inner journalist.”
Journalism is a class that is great for students and that gives them skills that they’ll use their whole life. “I am excited to teach next semester’s group of students,” Ms. Tiffanie Miley said, and from the look of things next semester’s students are excited to be coming in.