Friday, February 20, 2009
The Men’s Choir
Andrew Farr
SJHS Staff Writer
Springville Junior High has a class for those men that have changed and unchanged voices and an interest in singing: Men’s Choir. Men’s choir consists of eighth and ninth graders. Eighth graders sign up for the class because they think it’s just like seventh grade choir; and they’re right. It is just as easy, fun and relaxing. “The songs aren’t hard to learn,” Jantzen Dalley, an eighth grade student in men's choir, said. “The class is and an easy A, all you have to do participate.”
The men in this class have learned seven songs. Barbra Ann, Sweet Betsy from Pike, Aura Lee, and In the Jungle are four songs the choir can name off of their heads.
Mrs. Leslie Walker, the choir teacher, said, “Eighth grade is a great time to work with all men because many of them are dealing with voice change. It’s easier to fix problems without girls there! Plus, it’s just plain macho when the boys sing together.”