Monday, December 15, 2008

Students' Grades Hit the Web

The Student Information System allows parents and students to access grades and attendance at any time--just start at the district website.

Jacob Simmons
SJHS Staff Writer

The Student Information System (SIS) has helped students, parents, teachers, and administrators alike to know where students stand, and it has made it easier for teachers to enter scores and assignments. Nebo School District first started using this system in the fall of 2000.

SIS is a program that allows teachers to enter their students’ scores online. Now students can see their grades online, their missing assignments, their attendance, the whole shebang. “SIS can be very beneficial,” the Springville Junior High assistant principal Mr. Mark Bake said.

Students and parents were mailed a username and a password to access this program prior to the beginning of the school year. This is all that you need to access SIS, aside from a computer with internet access. If you have lost or simply forgotten your password or username, you are in luck! Mrs. Joy Maughan, the counseling office secretary, can access passwords and usernames for each and every student in the school, and would be very happy to help you get your information.

SIS makes things much easier for teachers as well. Gone are the days of the old grade books and roll sheets. Now teachers can enter all of this information straight into the computer. “It's definitely better than the way we used to do things. It has the potential to be very helpful, but it is a great challenge to keep it current,” Mr. Bake commented.

SIS has made things much easier, and is a great program, with the potential to become even better.