Monday, December 15, 2008
Seventh Grade English with Mr. Robbins
Carolyn Brown
SJHS Staff Writer
Here we have taken an inside look into Steven Robbins's seventh grade English class at Springville Junior High School. The class is two periods long, so Mr. Robbins splits things up. In the first period they do things that concern reading. The students read for a while and then Mr. Robbins reads to them. Right now Mr. Robbins is reading the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Soon they will have turned in their fist book report, and the next one is coming up soon. They will then have five more to do.
The second part of the class is writing and literature. The students have journals where they keep a record of the things that happen to them in seventh grade. For literature, the students have to do spelling lists through the week. The students have to do a worksheet called “4 and 1's.” Students look up a set of twenty words in the dictionary and find the words’ definition and etymology. They will also be writing autobiographies by doing papers throughout the year.
Mr. Robbins has very few rules. “Be quiet, be prepared, be productive, be honest, and show respect. Those are my only rules and they are very easy to follow,” explained Mr. Robbins. “They are very important and they help to keep the class in order.” Being quiet helps the students so that they can focus on their work and get the most out of it. To be prepared you must have a book, pencil, and paper. Being productive helps the students so they don’t have to have homework. Being honest speaks for itself, and showing respect helps the student work well together.
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