Monday, January 5, 2009

Seminary: Spiritual Learning

Brother Clegg, a seminary teacher at Springville Junior High

Carolyn Brown
SJHS Staff Writer

At Springville Junior High School we have seminary for the ninth grade freshmen. It is a class that goes all year and teaches students about the L.D.S. Church. The students learn from the “standard works” which are the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the history of the church, the Old Testament, the New Testament. Students are encouraged to share, explain, and testify. “We try to get as much student involvement as possible,” said Brother McLay, one of the seminary teachers.

The purpose of seminary is “To help strengthen youth by inviting them to come unto Christ. I want to deepen their faith, testimony, and conversion in a way that they will never depart from it,” said Brother Clegg, another seminary teacher.

Seminary is a very popular subject, and the enrolment among L.D.S. students at SJHS is from 82-92%. Even though some people come unwillingly at the beginning they soon learn to love seminary. “After the first class I realized that I was going to love it, and I do,” said Eric Mageno, a ninth grader. Most of the time you don’t ever have to do homework, the only homework you do have is to read in the scriptures daily for ten minutes.

Even the eighth graders are excited to go to seminary. “I have heard many great things about it. I can’t wait!” said eighth grader Maddi Dayton. When I asked what the students thought they would learn, they said, “I think I’ll learn about lots of life’s lessons so I’ll be better prepared for the stress of a high school and college student,” said Kristi Hatch, an eighth grader.