SJHS Staff Writer
One of the coolest people at SJHS isn’t even a student; it’s Mrs. Brenda Bales, the attendance secretary. “I admire her. She does so many things at once. It amazes me!” Sarah Fawson, an eighth grade student, reported. Many students, teachers and parents agree. She is always so willing to help, and she is always kind and understanding.
“She loves her work and is always happy,” Holly Sumsion, an SJHS student, happily stated. Mrs. Bales’ enthusiasm shows when she works. “She is just cool and always happy about everything. I’ve never, in my experience at the junior high, heard her speak an unkind word,” Hannah Packard, an SJHS student, stated. “I’m never afraid to ask for help because she is just so nice,” Maddie Patten, an 8th grader, admitted. So many other people share Maddie’s same view. Mrs. Bales is definitely one of the coolest people in the school.
“We are so lucky to have her at our school,” Sarah Fawson said. Indeed we are. There is no way SJHS could properly function without her and the other office ladies. She takes care of the attendance, she keeps track of all the kids checking in and out, plus she makes the morning announcements and mans the intercom.
Mrs. Bales has the unique ability to stay calm under a lot of pressure and multi-task multiple things. “We are really lucky to have her. She is so nice, cool & kind. I just want her to know how grateful we are for her and all the hard work she does,” Maddie Patten said. And who could say thank you better than one of the students that Mrs. Brenda Bales serves every day.