Students will be tested during their U.S. History classes. The Counseling Office would appreciate it if parent could avoid scheduling appointments for their students which would take him/her out of school during these times. If for some reason students are unable to attend all days of the testing, make-up days will be held.
These tests will not determine a student’s class placement, nor can students pass or fail these tests. Test results yield information which enables comparison of individual students to that of other students nationwide. Such information can assist parents in planning to meet a student’s individual needs. We anticipate that the test results will be available in November, and a copy of 8th graders’ results will be sent home with the term 2 report card.
To have a great testing experience, students should:
- Get a normal amount of sleep before the test.
- Eat a good breakfast on the morning of the test.
- Listen carefully to the directions that are given for the test and follow them exactly. If the directions are not clear, ask the teacher to repeat them or to explain the directions again.
- Do your best. Even if some questions seem hard, carefully consider the possible answers and make your best choice.
- Help your child understand that an achievement test provides an opportunity to show what a student knows about particular subject areas. The test results can help parents and students identify both academic strengths and weaknesses.
- Encourage your child to get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and maintain a positive attitude.
- Reassure your child about the test-taking experience. Students who are calm and sure of themselves do better on tests.